Getting Ready
College has made me not get ready for the last couple months. I wake up in the morning and I am left with ten minutes to get ready. In high school, I used to be able to get up an hour beforehand and do my makeup and look fine with my clothes. But these last few months, I just throw on sweatpants, wear no makeup, and pray that my clothes are clean. I am down to the bare minimum. I don't even get ready on the weekends anymore cause I can't manage my time for it. I feel like I don't have any time for it. I throw on what I got and just go about my day. I think the down side is that I am starting to hate how I look because I don't have any other clothes than t shirts and jeans. I feel like people look at me different cause I have my light eyebrows, blonde hair, and dark circles. I alienated or like a complete toehead because not a lot of people look like me. I feel like I have been walking around looking like a bum. I want to wear new clothes and look like a "prepared" college student. I just don't know how I am going to fit myself into my old routine again. I set my alarm everyday an hour earlier than I need to leave, although, I sleep through it or keep pressing snooze. However, I do kind of like this freedom of just waking up and going; reminds me of almost every mans usual schedule.
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